NORTHERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS, RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LAND REFORM APPLICATIONS : All applications must be forwarded to: The Head of the Department; Private Bag X6102, Kimberley, 8300 or Hand deliver to Recruitment and Selection unit: 90 Long Street, Kimberley, 8301 FOR ATTENTION : Ms. K. Moremi, Senior Manager: Human Resources. Tel nr: 053 807 7300 CLOSING DATE : 19 April 2022, 12 noon
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on form Z83 (obtainable from any Public Service Department) and must be completed in full and page 2 duly signed; Clear indication of the post and reference number that is being applied for must be indicated on your Z.83, A detailed covering letter, recent comprehensive CV specifying all qualifications and experience with respective dates. Copies of qualifications, ID and a valid driver’s license (where required), must be attached. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications, ID and driver’s license before or on the day of the interview. It is the responsibility of applicants in possession of foreign qualifications to submit evaluated results by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The Government Printing Works reserves the right to fill or not fill its advertised posts, General information: Shortlisted candidates must be available for interviews at a date and time determined by the Government Printing Works. Shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the jobs; the logistics of which will be communicated by the Government Printing Works, Following the interview and the technical exercise, the Selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic management competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the Implementation of Competency based assessments), The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies, using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools, Personnel suitability checks will also be administered as a part of the selection process. Success candidates will be required to enter in an employment contract and performance agreement (as relevant), and must obtain a positive security clearance. Applications received after the closing date as well as those who do not comply with the requirements will not be taken into consideration, If you have not received a response from this institution within three months of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. OTHERR POSTS RESERVE MANAGER (CONTROL BIODIVERSITY OFFICER GRADE A) REF: AERL/03/04/01 SALARY : R502 647. per annum CENTRE : Goegap Nature Reserve (Springbok) REQUIREMENTS : A National Higher Diploma in Nature Conservation or equivalent biodiversity management qualification and at least six (6) years’ experience in the biodiversity field, with emphasis on protected area management. Computer literacy and a valid code EB driver’s license is also a minimum requirement for appointment. DUTIES : The incumbent will be responsible to: Manage the infrastructure on the reserve to ensure the functional utilisation, maintenance and development thereof and to preserve the biodiversity of the nature reserve to ensure the continued livelihood thereof which would include the development and implementation of a management plan. Assist with environmental education to promote environmental awareness and support tourism activities. Manage risk and security aspects on the reserve. Manage internal and external relationship with all interested and affected stakeholders to the reserve. Perform and manage administration and related functions. ENQUIRIES : Mr. D Badenhorst – Tel. (053) 807 7425 Cell. (082) 4403211 or E-mail: [email protected] FIELD RANGERS REF NO: AERL/03/04/02 (4 POSTS) SALARY : R147 459 per annum CENTRE : Gamsberg Nature Reserve (Aggeneys) REQUIREMENTS : A grade 10 Certificate and a Code EB driver’s license are the minimum requirements for appointment. Computer literacy will be an added advantage. After appointment the EMI course must be completed within probation period with designation as a Grade 5 EMI official. DUTIES : The incumbent will be responsible to assist with the: Protection of the reserve and its natural environmental resources; implementation of monitoring programmes for ecological processes, systems and biodiversity represented in Gamsberg Nature Reserve; monitoring and controlling recreational activities; communicating with visitors and the general public to promote the value of Gamsberg Nature Reserve; and performing administrative and related functions. ENQUIRIES : Ms. M Jonk Tel. (027) 7189906 Cell. (082) 7294177 or E-mail: [email protected]
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