The main purpose of this page is help warn the public about cybercrime threats or scams. The idea is also to encourage the public to always report any incidents and suspicious activity to the authorities.
Reporting helps stop any scam right in it tracks.
Reporting helps stop any scam right in it tracks.
The general rule of thumb is to never ever open attachments or click on links from any suspicious emails received.
Failure to adhere to precautions may lead to your computers and devices being hijacked or infected with a malware.
Failure to adhere to precautions may lead to your computers and devices being hijacked or infected with a malware.
report scams & cybercRIme to the following authorities
Cybercrime has become one of the leading ways of stealing all sorts of information and money. Even beyond that, cybercrime involves compromising and damaging devices and IT hardware. Cybercrime in most cases simply relies on manufacturing Scams and luring unsuspecting people. Cybercrime basically thrives through negligence, complacency, greed, laziness and last but not least, stupidity.
What the public should know and understand is that with technology and the internet being readily available, exposure is high and the risk factor is forever present. SCAMS are not only limited to cybercrime. There is bank card skimming, ATM crime, Investment Opportunities scams, Inheritance scams, Black market dollars, 419 scams etc. The sections that follow bellow give more information on scams and where to report such crimes. You will remain anonymous at all times. |
This page is dedicated to all the law enforcement personnel, agencies, investigators, informers and whistleblowers who risk their lives daily to keep the public safe all across the world.
Last, but not least it also dedicated to the people who got scammed and decided to report their misfortunes. Without them we would not know about the dangers that lurk in our midst. They overcame embarrassment and put their pride and dignity aside to warn others. Be thankful to their courage, knowing very well you are not a victim because they were the first in line in the fight against crime and had to suffer losses so others could be safe. |
Scammers prey on everyone or device they can infiltrate. Knowledge is power as it allows people to take precautions and keep themselves protected at all times. When people work together and stay informed there is strength in numbers and cooperation. People who run scams hate it when people become aware of their tricks and deception. The sooner we all know about a scam, is the sooner it fizzles out. Please use this section and the form below to send in all relevant information for warning others.
There are many types of online scams or tricks used by criminals, and the following are just examples of how these criminal syndicates operate. As authorities tighten the laws and law enforcement agencies make more arrests. Criminals are also getting craftier. The public has to also be more vigilant as they are the primary targeted victims. The onus is for everybody to be extra careful and spread the message. Our examples here together with reports are focused on crimes targeted at businesses however it is becoming clear that this syndicates are also targeting private individuals. So let us all be extra careful and report all suspicious activity even before it becomes a crime that ruins livelihoods. |