NORTHERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS, RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LAND REFORM APPLICATIONS : Please forward the applications for the post quoting the relevant reference number to: Senior Manager, Human Resources Administration, Private Bag X5016, Kimberley, 8300 or hand deliver at JW Sauer Building, Office of the Premier, Ground Floor (Security), or email to [email protected] FOR ATTENTION : Mr. V. Fredericks CLOSING DATE : 11 June 2021
Failure to comply with these pre-conditions will disqualify applications from being processed. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be accordingly communicated by the Department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of the competency based assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tool. All shortlisted candidates will further be subjected to a personnel suitability check which includes criminal record checks, verification of qualifications, financial and asset record checks, previous employment verification and citizenship verification. The successful candidate will be required to enter into an annual performance agreement and will have to disclose his/her financial interests annually. As Head of Department, the successful candidate will be subject to a security vetting at top secret level.
MANAGEMENT ECHELON HEAD OF DEPARTMENT FOR AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS, RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND LAND REFORM REF NO: HOD/04/2021 (Five-year employment contract) SALARY : R1 521 591 per annum, (All-inclusive remuneration package) (All-inclusive remuneration package consists of a basic salary and flexible portion structured according to personal needs, plus 10% non-pensionable Head of Department allowance.) CENTRE : Kimberley REQUIREMENTS : A relevant post graduate qualification (NQF level 8) as recognised by SAQA supported by at least 8 years’ experience at Senior Management level of which at least 3 years must be with any organ of State as defined in the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996. The successful candidates will champion accelerated, efficient, effective and development oriented service delivery in pursuit of the National Development Plan and the Medium Term Strategic Framework within the over-arching context of the Northern Cape Government’s vision of a Modern, Growing and Successful Province. Competencies: Proven strategic and leadership qualities, project and financial management skills. An innovative person who will ensure the highest standard of service delivery. Excellent problem solving and analytical skills, people management and empowerment attributes. The successful candidate must also display the highest standard of ethical and moral conduct and the ability to communicate at all levels. Moreover, honesty, integrity, analytical thinking and research are pre-requisites. A valid driver’s license and computer skills, advanced knowledge of relevant legislation such as the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations, Supply Chain Management policy framework, Public Service Act and Regulations are further prerequisites. Responsible for all function/duties as Head of Department in terms of the Public Service Act and the Public Service Regulations the successful candidate will be expected to: Develop and implement a departmental strategic plan both for the in year and the MTEF period plus 2 years; Take all the necessary steps to ensure that the department is organized and structured in a manner that will enable the effective and efficient delivery of the Department’s mandate. DUTIES : Be responsible for all functions/duties as Accounting Officer in terms of the Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulations; Monitor and ensure compliance with all applicable legislation; Provide strategic management leadership through planning, organizing, monitoring and controlling the performance of the Department. Reporting to the MEC for Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform, the successful candidate will function as the Head of Department with the following main functions: Manage and oversee implementation of Agricultural Technical Services within the Northern Cape Province; Manage and oversee the provisioning of Food Security, Agrarian Transformation and Partnership services within the Northern Cape Province; Manage and oversee the implementation of Enterprise Development and Agro Processing Services within the Northern Cape Province; Manage and oversee the implementation of and Biodiversity and environmental management services within the Northern Cape Province; Manage and oversee the implementation of rural development services within the Northern Cape Province; Ensuring the efficient and effective macro planning in the department, transformation, quality assurance, regulation, promotion and development in the Northern Cape Province; Providing guidance, support and direction in terms of policies, legislation and strategies; Ensuring the promotion of a safe and secure environment for visitors and tourism entrepreneurs in the Northern Cape Province; Developing and implementing a plan for accelerated provincial transformation in the Agriculture Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land reform environment; Setting the strategic focus of the Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform; Providing requisite leadership to senior managers in setting and achieving the goals of the Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform; Ensuring that sound people and financial management practices are adhered to within the Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform, according to the PFMA; Championing change within the Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform; Evaluating the performance of the Department on a continuous basis, against pre-determined key measurable objectives and standards; Ensuring audit outcomes reflecting financial statements are free from material misstatements, free from material findings on non-compliance with legislation, as well as reflecting that the Department has sufficient internal controls in place; Developing and implementing an effective and efficient supply chain management system for the Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform; Developing and implementing an effective and efficient diversity management system within the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform; Ensuring integrated governance in terms of the services and functions of the Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform; Ensuring regional and international integration in terms of the services and functions of the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform; Ensuring adherence to the MISS by the Department; Ensuring an interface with external role players for effective governance by optimizing communication and stakeholder relationships. ENQUIRIES : Ms G Matlaopane Tel No: (015) 838 2938
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