NORTH WEST DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS APPLICATIONS : applications should be forwarded to the Director: Human Resource Management: Department of Human Settlements, Private Bag X2145, Mmabatho, 2735, hand deliver to Cnr Provident Drive and University Drive, West wing 2nd floor Garona Building, Mmabatho. CLOSING DATE : 17 February 2022, Time (15H00)
NOTE : Directions to Applicants: Directions to Applicants: Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form, new Z83 (properly completed), obtainable from any Public Service office. A comprehensive CV with competencies, experience and with full names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three referees. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on applications, however shortlisted candidates must submit other relevant documents to HR on or before the day of the interview and must be certified. Please note: It is a responsibility of a person in possession of a foreign qualification to furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted) Applications should be forwarded in time to the Department, since applications received after the closing date indicated below will, as a rule, not be accepted. It will be expected of candidates to be available for interviews on a date and time and at a place as determined by the Department. Please note if you have not heard from us within three (03) months after the closing, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. NB: Senior Management Pre-entry Programme Certificate: No applicant shall be recommended for appointment without producing a Certificate of completion for the Nyukela Programme (SMS PreEntry Programme) offered by the National School of Government which can be accessed via this link: https://www.thensg.gov.za. Successful SMS Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical assessment and the selected interviewed candidates will undertake a two day competency assessments at a venue and date determined by the Department. The competency assessment test generic managerial competencies using mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tool. Appointment of successful candidate (s) will be strictly subject to the Personnel Suitability Checks results/outcome prior to appointment. Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in the disqualification of the application. The applicants should state the applicable reference number with the relevant post. Candidates requiring additional information regarding the advertised post must direct their enquiries to the relevant person indicated on enquiries. Directions on How to Fill in the New Z83 Form NB: Candidate should note the following information on the new Z83 application form: Part A: All fields must be completed in full. Part B: All fields must be completed in full except when: Passport number: South African applicants need not provide passport numbers An applicant has responded “No” to the question “Are you conducting business with the State? or are you a Director of a Public or Private company conducting business with the state? If yes (provide details)”, then it is acceptable for an applicant to indicate not applicable or leave blank to the question, “in the event that you are employed in the Public Service, will you immediately relinquish such business interest?” “If your profession or occupation requires official registration, provide date and particulars of registration” – Some applicants may not be in possession of such therefore it is acceptable if left blank or if not applicable is indicated. Part C: All fields must be completed Part D: All fields must be completed Part E, F, G: Noting that there is limited space provided applicants often indicate “refer to Curriculum Vitae (CV) or see attached”, this is acceptable as long as the CV has been attached and provides the required information. If the information is not provided in the CV, the applicant may be disqualified. It must be noted that a CV is an extension of the application of employment Z83, and applicants are accountable for the information that is provided therein. The questions related to conditions that prevent reappointment under part F must be answered. Declaration must be completed and signed T Completed. The North West Department of Human Settlements is an Affirmative Action Employer with the intention of promoting representatively (race, gender and disability) through the filling of these posts. People with disability are encourage to apply. Applicants who previously applied for re-advertised positions are encouraged to re-apply. NB: The Department reserves the right not to make appointments. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only.
MANAGEMENT ECHELON DIRECTOR: STATUTORY BODIES SECRETARIAT SERVICES REF NO: H/S 05/2023 Directorate: Statutory Bodies Secretariat Support Services (Retract From Circular 2 of 2023) (Re-Advert) SALARY : R1 105 383 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package) CENTRE : Head Office (Mmabatho) REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Grade 12 plus Bachelor Degree (NQF Level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Public Administration/Law, LLB or any other relevant, equivalent qualification. Public Service Pre-entry certificate for SMS will be required before appointment. 5 years relevant Deputy Director level experience in Rental Housing / Tribunal environment. Valid driver’s Licence. Competencies/Knowledge/Skills: Knowledge of prescripts and processes available in the public service i.e. PFMA, Treasury Regulations, RAP, Labour Relations Act, In-depth knowledge of Housing Act, policies and practices. Knowledge of public serviced reporting procedures. In-depth knowledge of Rental Housing Act. In-depth knowledge of Housing consumer protection measures Act. In-depth knowledge of Rental Housing Regulations and practices. In-depth knowledge of prevention of illegal eviction and unlawful occupation of land Act 19 of 1998.Strategic capability and leadership. Programme & Project Management. Financial Management and people management skills. Change management skills. Client orientation and customer focus. Analytic skills. Facilitation skills. DUTIES : Manage the implementation of the rental housing Act in the province. Manage the promotion of the rental tribunal throughout the province. Manage and advice on complaints management process in respect of residential properties. Manage the effective utilisation of human and financial resources of the Directorate. ENQUIRIES : Mr T Phetlhu Tel No: 018 388 5560 DIRECTOR: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT REF NO: H/S 06/2023 Component: Stakeholder Engagement and Capacity Development SALARY : R1 105 383 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package) CENTRE : Head Office (Mmabatho) REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Grade 12 plus Bachelor Degree (NQF Level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Public Administration/Public Facilitation/ Municipal Support or any other relevant, equivalent qualification. Public Service Pre-entry certificate for SMS will be required before appointment. 5 years relevant Deputy Director level experience in facilitation environment. Valid driver’s Licence. Competencies/Knowledge/Skills: Knowledge of prescripts and processes available in the public service i.e. PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Labour Relations Act, In-depth knowledge of Housing Act, policies and practices. Knowledge of public serviced reporting procedures. In-depth knowledge of Human Settlements prescripts. In-depth knowledge of Housing consumer protection measures Act. Strategic capability and leadership. Programme & Project Management. Financial Management and people management skills. Facilitation management skills. Client orientation and customer focus. Analytic skills. Facilitation skills. DUTIES : Manage the implementation of human settlements capacity building programs to various stakeholders. Manage the implementation of housing consumer awareness programs. Facilitate accreditation of municipalities. Coordinate and facilitate empowerment of previously disadvantaged groups and emerging contractors. Manage the effective utilisation of human and financial resources of the Directorate. ENQUIRIES : Mr T Phetlhu Tel No: 018 388 5560 OTHER POSTS OFFICE MANAGER REF NO: H/S 05/2023 Component: Office of the HOD SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive remuneration package CENTRE : Head Office (Mmabatho) REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Grade 12 plus National Diploma or Bachelor Degree (as recognised by SAQA) in Public Administration/management or any other relevant, equivalent qualification. 3-5 years’ experience in executive office management. Valid driver’s licence Competencies/Knowledge/Skills: Knowledge of prescripts and processes available in the public service i.e. PFMA, Treasury Regulations, RAP, Labour Relations Act. Knowledge of public service reporting procedures. Knowledge of government prescripts. Ability to communicate with people from different background. Good telephone etiquette .Computer literacy. Sound organizational skills. Interpersonal skills. A high level of reliability. Written communication skills. The ability to act with tact and discretion. Special Requirements: travelling outside normal working hours. Willing to work Overtime, Flexibility and attention to detail. High code of business ethics. Objectivity and High level of confidentiality. DUTIES : Provide administrative support to the office of the HOD. Maintain records and databases. Coordinate office operations. Produce correspondence and management reports. Provide secretarial support to HOD’s meeting (including writing of reports, Minutes taking, compilation of action lists). Develop and maintain a database for meetings, minutes and decision. Introduce system and tools for effective management of meetings and follow up on the implementation of decisions. Produce weekly and monthly schedules to facilitate the coordination of the HOD’s meetings. Manage HOD’s diary and logistical arrangements. Manage human and financial resource in office of the HOD. ENQUIRIES : Ms. R Modisakeng Tel No: 018 388 4818 INTERNAL CONTROL & COMPLIANCE OFFICER REF NO: H/S 07/2023 (X2 POSTS) Component: Chief Financial Office SALARY : R269 214 per annum (Level 07) CENTRE : Head Office (Mmabatho) REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Grade 12 plus B-degree (with major in Accounting and Auditing) or National Diploma in Financial Management (with major in Accounting and Auditing) .1–2 years’ experience in internal control or Auditing field environment. Valid driver’s Licence. Competencies/Knowledge/Skills: Knowledge of prescripts and processes available in the public service i.e. PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Labour Relations Act, In-depth knowledge of Government Audit processes. In-Facilitation skills. Client orientation and customer focus. Analytic skills. Facilitation skills. DUTIES : Development of the AG and PIA action plans as per the audit and management report. Conduct a working session with various directorates on proposed actions to address the issues raised by the Auditors. Liaise and follow-up with various directorates on the implementation of the agreed actions and on progress of AG and PIA action plans. Register and maintain POE file for action plans. Report monthly on status of AG and PIA action plan. Facilitate the process of identification and addressing unauthorized, irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure (UIFW) in the Department Conduct ad-hoc investigations as and when instructed to do so. ENQUIRIES : Mr A Moopelwa Tel No: 018 388 4875
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