LIMPOPO OFFICE OF THE PREMIER APPLICATIONS : Applications should be addressed to: Director: Human Resource Management Services, Office of the Premier, Private Bag X9483, Polokwane, 0700 or hand deliver to the Office of the Premier at 40 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, Mowaneng Building, Office No. A013, General Records: Registry, Ground Floor. CLOSING DATE : 09 June 2023 at 16h00
NOTE : The Office of the Premier is an affirmative action employer. Designated race groups, females and persons with disabilities remain the target group and are encouraged to apply. Applications must be accompanied by a Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae and a fully completed New Z83 form which is obtainable from all Government Departments or Government Websites. The following must be considered in relation to the completion of the Z83 by applicants: All the fields in Part A, Part C and Part D should be completed. In Part B, all fields should be completed in full except the following: South African applicants need not provide passport numbers. If an applicant responded “no” to the question “Are you conducting business with the State or are you a Director of a Public or Private company conducting business with the State? If yes (provide detail)” then it is acceptable for an applicant to indicate not applicable or leave blank to the question, “In the event that you are employed in the Public Service, will you immediately relinquish such business interest?”. Applicants may leave the following question blank if they are not in possession of such: “If your profession or occupation requires official registration, provide date and particulars of registration”. Noting there is limited space provided for Part E, F & G, applicants often indicate “refer to Curriculum Vitae (CV) or see attached”, this is acceptable as long as the CV has been attached and provides the required information. If the information is not provided in the CV, the applicant may be disqualified. It must be noted that a CV is an extension of the application of employment Z83, and applicants are accountable for the information that is provided therein. The questions related to conditions that prevent re-appointment under Part F must be answered. A specific reference number for the post applied for must be quoted in the space provided on Z83 form. Only shortlisted candidates for a post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. In order to ensure that potential SMS members have a background on processes and procedures linked to the SMS, a further requirement for appointment at SMS level will be the successful completion of the Senior Management Pre-Entry Programme as endorsed by the National School of Government with effect from 01 April 2020. This is a Public Service specific training programme which will be applicable for appointments at SMS post. The link is as follows: www.thensg.gov.za/training-course/sms-pre-entry-programme. All shortlisted candidates for posts of SMS will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the Office of the Premier. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend SMS candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency-based assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. The successful candidates must be willing to sign an oath of secrecy with the organization and is also expected to sign a performance agreement. All appointments are subject to the personnel suitability check (criminal records, credit record check and security vetting). The Office reserves the right not to make any appointment(s) to the posts advertised. The employment decision shall among other determinations be informed by the Employment Equity Plan of the Office. The candidates will be required to disclose his/her financial interests in accordance with the applicable prescripts. Late applications for the advertised posts will not be considered. Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in the disqualification of the application. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only, due to the large number of applications we envisage to receive and if you have not heard from us within ninety (90) days of the closing date, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful. However, should there be any dissatisfaction, applicants are hereby advised to, within 90 days, seek reasons for the above administrative action in terms of section 5, sub-section 1 and 2 of Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000. Applications which are forwarded / submitted to the wrong address will not be considered. Note: Certified copies of educational qualifications, academic records, Identity document and valid driver’s license (where required) will only be submitted by the shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date. Applications with foreign qualifications remain responsible for ensuring that their qualifications are evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the proof of evaluation will only be submitted by the shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date. The contents of the advertised vacant posts will also be posted on the following website: www.limpopo.gov.za. MANAGEMENT ECHELON CHIEF DIRECTOR: SECRETARIAT TO COUNCIL REF NO: OTP: 05 / 23 / 01 (X1 POST) Chief Directorate: Secretariat to Council SALARY : R1 308 051 – R1 563 948 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive remunerative package) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) as recognized by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). A minimum of five (05) years’ experience at senior managerial level. Experience in the Executive Council Support Services, AIDS Council Services and Councils/form in the support of the Political Head will be an added advantage. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to: Provide strategic direction and support to the Chief Directorate: Secretariat to Councils. Manage the coordination of the Limpopo AIDS Council (LPAC). Manage the coordination of the Executive Council (EXCO).Manage the coordination of the Premier’s Economic Growth and Advisory Council (PEGAC).Manage the coordination of the Limpopo Human Resource Development Council (LHRDC). ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. DIRECTOR: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COORDINATION REF NO: OTP: 05 / 23 / 02 (X1 POST) Directorate: Human Resource Management Coordination SALARY : R1 105 383 – R1 302 102 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remunerative package) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) as recognized by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). A minimum of five (05) years’ experience at middle/senior managerial level. Experience in the relevant field will be an added advantage. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to: Facilitate the development of Provincial HRM Policies, procedures and SoPs and monitor implementation thereof; Coordinate the implementation of Provincial HRM Programmes. Coordinate the development of Departmental MTEF HR Plans and Annual HRP Implementation reports. Coordinate and manage the career development of all Provincial Heads of Department. Monitor implementation and management of Policy on Ill Health and Retirement within the Provincial Administration. Coordinate Provincial and National HRM Forum Committee meetings. Coordinate Provincial SMS Summit on an annual basis. Manage the HRM Coordination Directorate’s performance. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. DIRECTOR: SPATIAL PLANNING REF NO: OTP: 05 / 23 / 03 (X1 POST) Directorate: Spatial Planning SALARY : R1 105 383 – R1 302 102 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remunerative package) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in Town Planning or Development Planning as recognized by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). A minimum of five (05) years’ experience at middle/senior managerial level. Experience in the relevant field will be an added advantage. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be required to: Coordinate the development of the Provincial Spatial Planning and Land Use management related policies. Coordinate the review and the implementation of Limpopo Spatial Development Framework (LSDF). Coordinate the compilation of the provincial status quo report on Spatial Planning to ensure integrated planning of Programmes and Projects. Provide strategic and technical support on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management to ensure spatial alignment and integration within the three spheres of government. Manage Human resource and divisional budget. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively.
OTHER POSTS SENIOR STATE LAW ADVISOR REF NO: OTP: 05 / 23 / 04 (X1 POST) Chief Directorate: Legal Services SALARY : R1 081 953 – R1 679 112 per annum (Level LP9), (all-inclusive remunerative package) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in LLB as recognized by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Admittance as an Attorney or Advocate. At least eight (08) years appropriate post qualification experience in a legal practice or department in the public or private sector. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. Submit one example of a legal opinion and legislation that candidate drafted (Personal information may be redacted). DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to: Draft, amend, certify, and edit provincial original legislation for the Office of the Premier and all provincial departments and statutory bodies. Furnish oral and written legal opinions and advice the Director-General, EXCO, Office of the Premier and all Provincial Departments including statutory bodies and the Provincial Legislature. Draft and edit agreements and other legal documents. Evaluate and give inputs on draft legislation prepared by another department. Perform other duties allocated by the supervisor. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. DEPUTY DIRECTOR: SECURITY SERVICES REF NO: OTP: 09 / 22 / 05 (X1 POST) Directorate: Integrity, Security and Vetting Services SALARY : R958 824 – R1 125 825 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive remunerative package) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognized by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). A minimum of five (05) years’ experience in Security Management of which three (03) years must be at Assistant Director level. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to: Conduct, coordinate and monitor education and awareness. Coordinate and conduct information security investigations and annual security exposure review for personnel, communications, and information security. Coordinate the implementation of the protection of personnel programs and information in all physical, electronic, and digital formats and liaise with external stakeholders. Monitor the implementation of information security policies. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. DEPUTY DIRECTOR: OFFICE ON THE STATUS OF CHILDREN, OLDER PERSONS & MILITARY VETERANS (OSC, OP&MV) REF NO: OTP: 05 / 23 / 06 (X1 POST) Directorate: Special Programmes SALARY : R958 824 - R1 125 825 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive remunerative package) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6) as recognized by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). A minimum of five (05) years’ experience in OSC/ OP/ MV of which three (03) years must be at Assistant Director level. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be required to: Mainstream the National and Provincial programme of action for children’s rights. Improve the school nutrition programme implemented for children at schools in the province. Facilitate and monitor implementation of Early Childhood Development Strategy. Coordinate the advocacy programs for nation building and capacity building programs. Mainstream the National and Provincial programme of action for older persons and military veterans. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. DEPUTY DIRECTOR: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM (PMDS) REF NO: OTP: 05 / 23 / 07 (X1 POST) Directorate: Human Resource Development, PMS, Employee Health & Wellness Programmes SALARY : R811 560 – R952 485 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive remunerative package) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of five (05) years’ experience in Performance Management and Development of which three (03) years must be at Assistant Director level. PERSAL Literacy. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to: Manage Performance Management and Development System. Manage the maintenance of Performance Management and Development database. Manage the administration support services in the Sub-Directorate. Manage the co-ordination of PMDS committee meetings and PMDS trend analysis. Manage the implementation of performance incentives. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. GISC PROFESSIONAL (PRODUCTION GRADE A-C) REF NO: OTP: 05 / 23 / 08 (X2 POSTS) Directorate: Geographical Information System SALARY : Grade A: R646 854 – R696 834 per annum, (OSD) Grade B: R739 605 – R789 267 per annum, (OSD) Grade C: R833 922 – R982 326 per annum, (OSD) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in Geographical Information System (GIS) as recognised by SAQA. Grade A: (0-2 years appropriate experience), Grade B: (14 years appropriate experience) and Grade C: (26 years appropriate experience). Registration with South African Geomatics Council (SAGC) as a GISc Professional. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Provide GIS support to departments, municipalities and other stake holders within the provincial administration. Develop GIS projects in the province. Coordinate the establishment (design and develop) and maintenance of the Provincial Geo-database and website. Render mapping services. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: VETTING SERVICES REF NO: OTP 05/23/9 (X4 POSTS) Directorate: Integrity, Security and Vetting Services SALARY : R527 298 – R617 622 per annum (Level 10) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of three (03) years’ experience in Security Management at a Supervisory level. Vetting Certificate from SSA/SAPS or SANDF. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Conduct vetting field work investigations. Provide inputs on the development and implementation of policies, guidelines, norms and standards in vetting investigations. Provide effective communication channels and systems between the Office and the State Security Agency (SSA) and other related agencies. Monitor and administer files and partake in task teams dealing with matters related to projects / processes. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: MONITORING & EVALUATION, PLANNING & RESEARCH REF NO: OTP 05/23/10 (X1 POST) Directorate: AIDS Council Secretariat Unit SALARY R527 298 – R617 622 per annum (Level 10) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of three (03) years’ experience in Monitoring and Evaluation at a Supervisory level. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Participate in the planning of Provincial Implementation Plan (PIP), Multisectoral District Implementation Plan (MDIP) and Multisectoral Local Implementation Plan (MLIP). Coordinate HIV, STIs and TB, Social & Structural and Human Rights Research related matters. Monitor the implementation of the Provincial Implementation Plan on HIV, TB and STIs. Evaluate implementation of the Provincial Implementation Plan. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively.
CHIEF ARTISAN GRADE A REF NO: OTP 05/23/11 (X1 POST) Directorate: Records and Facilities Management Services (Work Environment) SALARY : R434 787 – R494 619 per annum, (Salary level OSD) CENTRE : Polokwane (Head Office) REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate Trade Test Certificate in the trade/ occupation electrician. Ten (10) years post qualification experience required as an Artisan/ Artisan Foreman. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Manage technical services: Provide inputs into existing technical manuals, standard drawings and procedure to incorporate new technology. Ensure promotion of safety in line with statutory and regulatory requirements. Ensure quality assurance in line with specifications. Manage administrative and related functions: Provide and consolidate inputs to the technical operation plan. Financial management: Control and monitor expenditure according to budget to ensure efficient cash flow management. People management: Manage subordinates’ key performance areas by setting and monitoring performance standards and taking actions to correct deviations to achieve departmental objectives. Maintain and advance expertise: Continuous individual development to keep up with new technologies and procedures. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: LABOUR RELATIONS REF NO: OTP 05/23/12 (X1 POST) Directorate: Labour Relations SALARY : R424 104 – R496 467 per annum (Level 09) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) in Labour Relations/ Labour Law as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of three (03) years’ experience in Labour Relations Management. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Handle and facilitate Resolutions of grievances. Handle and facilitate misconduct cases. Handle and facilitate Resolutions of disputes. Facilitate implementation of collective agreements within the office. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: SERVICE DELIVERY IMPROVEMENT REF NO: OTP 05/23/13 (X1 POST) Directorate: Strategic Management Services SALARY : R424 104 – R496 467 per annum (Level 09) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of three (03) years’ experience in Transformation at a Supervisory level. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Monitor service delivery improvement programmes. Promote people with disabilities, women, youth, older persons and children programmes. Facilitate the resolutions of the Presidential and the Premier’s Hotline complaints. Monitor service delivery complaints. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: AUXILIARY SERVICES REF NO: OTP 05/23/14 (X1 POST) Directorate: Records and Facilities Management Services (Work Environment) SALARY : R424 104 – R496 467 per annum (Level 09) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of three (03) years’ experience in Auxiliary Services/ Administration at a Supervisory level. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Administer hygiene services. Administer cleaning services. Administer maintenance of landscaping. Manage Records in terms of Records Management Policy. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT REF NO: OTP 05/23/15 (X1 POST) Directorate: Supply Chain Management SALARY : R424 104 – R496 467 per annum (Level 09) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of three (03) years’ experience in Supply Chain Management/ Logistics Management at a Supervisory level. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Manage processing of orders on LOGIS system. Reconcile orders on LOGIS system. Manage control registers. Management of staff and monthly reports. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: ACCOUNTS REF NO: OTP 05/23/16 (X1 POST) Directorate: Financial Management and Accounting Services Re-advertisement (those who have applied previously are encouraged to re-apply) SALARY : R424 104 – R496 467 per annum (Level 09) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of three (03) years’ experience in Financial Accounts at a Supervisory level. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Control expenditure and authorize payment. Process payment vouchers for complete payment. Reconcile payment transactions. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. PERSONNEL PRACTITIONER: RECRUITMENT & SELECTION AND HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING, INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS REF NO: OTP 05/23/17 (X1 POST) Directorate: Human Resources Management Services SALARY : R359 517 – R420 402 per annum (Level 08) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of two (02) years’ experience in Human Resource Management. PERSAL Literacy. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Administer recruitment and selection processes. Administer the staff establishment and update the PERSAL System. Administer transfers, secondments, upgrading and translations. Administer Human Resource Planning, Information and Systems. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. STATE ACCOUNTANT: ACCOUNTS REF NO: OTP 05/23/18 (X1 POST) Directorate: Financial Management and Accounting Services SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum (Level 07) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of two (02) years’ experience in Financial Management. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Administer general accounts. Administer departmental payments. Liaise with Treasury, Internal Audit, Office of the Auditor-General and other stakeholders: for general payments, processing of invoices in the sundry payments, window of BAS and LOGIS. Reconcile payments of Suppliers. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: DEMAND MANAGEMENT REF NO: OTP 05/23/19 (X1 POST) Directorate: Supply Chain Management SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum (Level 07) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of (02) years’ experience in Supply Chain Management / Logistics Management. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Administer Procurement Plan. Serve as secretariat of the Bid Specification Committee. Conduct market, commodity and industrial analysis. Attend to internal and external stakeholders’ queries. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: INVENTORY MANAGEMENT REF NO: OTP 05/23/20 (X1 POST) Directorate: Supply Chain Management SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum (Level 07) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of two (02) years’ experience in Supply Chain Management/ Logistics Management. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Order and receive inventory items. Issue inventory items. Conduct monthly spot – checks and assist with quarterly stock – taking. Safeguard stores. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. COMPLIANCE OFFICER: INTERNAL CONTROLS AND COMPLIANCE REF NO: OTP 05/23/21 (X1 POST) Directorate: Internal Controls and Compliance SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum (Level 07) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) in Internal Auditing as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of two (02) years’ experience in Internal Control and Compliance/ Internal Auditing. A valid driver’s license except for people with disability. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Monitor institutional compliance to Acts, Policies, Procedures and Instruction Notes. Assist in coordination of internal audit activities. Assist in coordination of external audit activities. Assist in coordinating activities of other stakeholders and oversight bodies. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO THE DDG: STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT COORDINATION REF NO: OTP 05/23/22 (X1 POST) Branch: Stakeholder Management Coordination SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum (Level 07) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) in Management Assistant/ Office Public Administration as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of two (2) years’ experience in Office Management. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Provide secretarial support service to the office of the DDG. Manage the diary of the Deputy Director General. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Manage correspondence and communication for the office. Render general Office Administration: Make logistical arrangements for meetings. Receive, record and distribute incoming and outgoing files. Order and collect stationery from the store. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO THE DDG: INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT REF NO: OTP 05/23/23 (X1 POST) Branch: Institutional Development Support SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum (Level 07) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) in Management Assistant/ Office Public Administration as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of two (2) years’ experience in Office Management. DUTIES : Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible to: Provide secretarial support service to the office of the DDG. Manage the diary of the Deputy Director General. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Manage correspondence and communication for the office. Render general Office Administration: Make logistical arrangements for meetings. Receive, record and distribute incoming and outgoing files. Order and collect stationery from the store. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO THE DDG: PLANNING, COORDINATION MONITORING & EVALUATION REF NO: OTP 05/23/24 (X1 POST) Branch: Planning, Coordination Monitoring & Evaluation SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum (Level 07) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) in Management Assistant/ Office Public Administration as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of two (2) years’ experience in Office Management. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Provide secretarial support service to the office of the DDG. Manage the diary of the Deputy Director General. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Manage correspondence and communication for the office. Render general Office Administration: Make logistical arrangements for meetings. Receive, record and distribute incoming and outgoing files. Order and collect stationery from the store. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO THE DDG: CORPORATE MANAGEMENT REF NO: OTP 05/23/25 (X1 POST) Branch: Corporate Management SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum (Level 07) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) in Management Assistant/ Office Public Administration as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of two (2) years’ experience in Office Management. DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Provide secretarial support service to the office of the DDG. Manage the diary of the Deputy Director General. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Manage correspondence and communication for the office. Render general Office Administration: Make logistical arrangements for meetings. Receive, record and distribute incoming and outgoing files. Order and collect stationery from the store. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. REGISTRY CLERK: GENERAL RECORDS REF NO: OTP 05/23/26 (X1 POST) Directorate: Records and Facilities Management Services (Work Environment) SALARY : R202 233 – R 235 611 per annum (Level 05) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate (Grade 12). An experience in Records Management will be an added advantage. MS Office Package (word, excel, internet, e-mail). DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to: Provide General Records services: Implement Staff file plan, Records Policy, procedure manual and records control schedule. Provide registry counter services: Attend to clients. Handle telephonic and other enquiries received. Receive and register hand delivered mail/files. Handle incoming and outgoing correspondence: Receive all mail. Sort, register and dispatch mail. Distribute notices on registry issues. Render an effective filing and record management service: Opening and close files according to record classification system. Filing/storage, tracing (electronically/manually) and retrieval of documents and files. Operate office machines in relation to the registry function: Open and maintain Franking machine register. Frank post, and update register on a daily basis. Undertake spot checks on post to ensure no private post is included. Lock post in postbag for messengers to deliver to Post Office. Process documents for archiving and/ disposal: Electronic scanning of files. Sort and package files for archives and distribution. Compile list of documents to be archived and submit to the supervisor. Keep records for archived documents. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. REGISTRY CLERK: HR RECORDS REF NO: OTP 05/23/27 (X1 POST) Directorate: Records and Facilities Management Services (Work Environment) SALARY : R202 233 – R 235 611 per annum (Level 05) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate (Grade 12). An experience in Records Management will be an added advantage. MS Office Package (word, excel, internet, e-mail) DUTIES : Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible to: Provide Human Resource Records services: Implement Staff file plan, Records Policy, procedure manual and records control schedule. Provide registry counter services: Attend to clients. Handle telephonic and other enquiries received. Receive and register hand delivered mail/files. Handle incoming and outgoing correspondence: Receive all mail. Sort, register and dispatch mail. Distribute notices on registry issues. Render an effective filing and record management service: Opening and close files according to record classification system. Filing/storage, tracing (electronically/manually) and retrieval of documents and files. Operate office machines in relation to the registry function: Open and maintain Franking machine register. Frank post, and update register on a daily basis. Undertake spot checks on post to ensure no private post is included. Lock post in postbag for messengers to deliver to Post Office. Process documents for archiving and/ disposal: Electronic scanning of files. Sort and package files for archives and distribution. Compile list of documents to be archived and submit to the supervisor. Keep records for archived documents. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. SUPERVISOR: CLEANING SERVICES REF NO: OTP 05/23/28 (X2 POSTS) Directorate: Records and Facilities Management Services (Work Environment) SALARY : R171 537 – R199 461 per annum (Level 04) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : NQF level 3 (Grade 10/ AET level 4). A minimum of two (02) years’ experience in cleaning services. DUTIES : Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible to: Oversee cleaning services of offices, corridors, general kitchens, rest rooms, elevators and boardrooms. Manage and ensure the maintenance of cleaning machines and equipment. Make a requisition and issue cleaning materials. Supervise cleaners: Provide administrative and relative functions. Provide guidance and advice to cleaners. Develop and update the cleaning roster. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively. MESSENGER REF NO: OTP 05/23/29 (X2 POSTS) Directorate: Records and Facilities Management Services (Work Environment) SALARY : R125 373 – R147 036 per annum (Level 02) CENTRE : Polokwane REQUIREMENTS : NQF level 3 (Grade 10). A valid driver’s license. DUTIES : Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible to: Perform messenger functions: Sort and arrange correspondences in the registry. Collect, distribute, and Circulate correspondence (mail, parcels, documents & files). Record & control correspondence register. Sort mail, files, documents and parcel. Ensure that items to collect are sealed and addressed. Collect mail, files, documents and parcel from addressor. Deliver mail, files, documents and parcels to addressees. Ensure that the recipients sign on the delivery book/ register. Record contents and physical addresses in the delivery book/register. Perform general office assistant tasks: Keep mail record. Copy and fax documents. Assist in the registry office. ENQUIRIES : should be directed to: Mesdames Mgbo PM / Mashitoa MR / Moyaba ME / Kekana PL and Mr. Khorommbi P Tel No: 015 287 6441 /6349 / 6027/ 6293 / 6588 respectively.
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