LEPELLE-NKUMPI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY www.lepelle-nkumpi.gov.za Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality is situated in the Capricorn District Municipality of Limpopo Province. The Municipality boasts great tourism development potential and ever-increasing discovery of both underground and surface mineral deposits. It is also the seat of the Limpopo Provincial Legislature and situated south east of Polokwane.
The incumbent must have a minimum of five (5) years relevant experience at middle management level and have proven successful management experience in administration. The incumbent must have the following competencies as per notice 21 published in government gazette No.37245, dated 17 January 2014.The successful candidates will be required to sign a performance agreement.
KNOWLEDGE: Good knowledge and understanding of relevant policies and legislation; Good Knowledge mid understanding of institutional governance system and performance management, Good knowledge of corporate support services including: Human capital management; Legal services, Facilities management, Information communication technology; an, Council support, Good knowledge of supply chain management regulations and the preferential procurement policy framework Act, 2000(Act No.5 of 2000).Good governance; Labour Relations Act, and other labour-related prescripts; Legal background and human capital management; and Knowledge of coordination and overnight of all specialized support factions. CORE COMPETENCIES: Moral competence; planning and organising; analysis and innovation; knowledge and information management; communication and results and quality focus KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: reporting to the municipal manager the incumbent will be responsible to lead, direct and manage staff within the department so that they are able to meet their departmental and organisational objectives, this includes the provision of auxiliary support services to the municipality; the provision of sustainable records management service, the recruitment and retention of competent human capital; the promotion of sound labour relations; provision of legal services as well as the provision of information technology and support to the municipality. Development of a GRAP compliant MTREF budget for the department, efficiently manage and control the budget for the department; prepare and submit required reports to the municipal manager and relevant political structures; ensure support to category C municipalities budget implementation plan(SDBIP); attending all council and relevant meetings and making recommendation as required and implementing decision; advising council on all matters of the department; perform any other related as requested by the municipal manager. Application for senior managers posts must be submitted on the official application form (Annexure C) as prescribed in terms Local Government: Municipal system act, 2000(Act No. 32 of 2000) Published in Government Gazette No. 37245, dated 17 January 2014 for regulation on appointment and conditions of employment of senior managers, obtainable from our municipal website. The form must be accompanied by a detailed CV, certified copies of certificates, ID and other relevant supporting documents. The applications must be submitted or hand delivered to the registry office Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality ,170 BA Civic Centre Unit F, Lebowakgomo, 0737 or they can be posted for the attention of Acting Municipal Manager, Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality, Private Bag X07 Chuenespoort, 0745. An application which is not made on the prescribed form will not be considered. The shortlisted candidates will be subjected to screening and vetting process to determine suitability. All enquiries must be directed to Ms. M V Muparutsa - (015) 633 4533 and Mr. C R Mphahlele - (015) 633 4522. If you don't hear from us within two months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful and Correspondence will be entered into with short listing candidates only. The shortlisted candidates will be subjected to screening and FAXED AND E-MAIL APPLICATIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. LEPELLE-NKUMPI IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. People from the designated group are urged to apply. CLOSING DATE: 17 September 2019
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