LEPELLE-NKUMPI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY www.lepelle-nkumpi.gov.za Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality is situated in the Capricorn District Municipality of Limpopo Province. The Municipality boasts great tourism development potential and ever increasing discovery of both underground and surface mineral deposits. It is also the seat of the Limpopo Provincial Legislature and situated south east of Polokwane. The following vacant post exists for filling by a suitably qualified and experienced candidate:
• Sound knowledge of auditing principles, GRP, SCM Regulations and PPPF Act 2000 (Act No 5 of 2000) • The ability to compile the municipal budget and Annual Financial Statements • Extensive knowledge of the public office environment • Proven planning and organising, problem-solving and conflict resolution skills • Proven presentation, communication and people management skills • Proven strategic leadership, financial management, governance, risk and change management, programme and project management skills.
Key responsibilities: • Report to the Municipal Manager • Provide strategic leadership to the Budget and Treasury Directorate) • Advise the Municipal Manager and Executive Managers in terms of the MFMA • Ensure full compliance with applicable legislation, internal policies and procedures by all structures within the Municipality • Formulate and review internal financial policies and ensure implementation and adherence • Develop and coordinate the financial plan in terms of the IDP and SDBIP • Develop and maintain effective and efficient systems of financial and risk management and control • Develop and ensure the successful implementation of debt collection, credit control and revenue enhancement strategies • Compile financial reports and statements for submission to the Municipal Manager and other relevant stakeholders • Compile the municipal budget as per Treasury requirements • Prepare Annual Financial Statements • Liaise with provincial and national government institutions on financial matters • Ensure implementation of GRAP standards • Manage staff in the Budget and Treasury Directorate. Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote representation (race, gender and disability) in the Municipality through the filling of this position. The Municipality reserves the right not to fill this position. Applications must be submitted on an official application form, obtainable from the municipal website (www.lepelle-nkumpi.gov.za) and must be accompanied by a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of academic qualifications (including computer literacy certificate), academic records, Identity Document and driver's licence. Shortlisted candidates will be required to produce original copies of qualifications and Identity Document on or before appointment. NB: When candidates apply far this post, they give the Municipality consent to process their personal information. The successful candidate will be subjected to security screening. Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a compulsory security vetting, reference checks by contacting current or previous employers, checks of validity of qualifications, and verification whether a candidate has been dismissed previously for misconduct or poor performance. Recommended candidates will be subjected to a competency assessment test. The successful candidate will be required to submit disclosure of financial interest, and be expected to sign an employment contract and performance agreement. Correspondence will only be entered into with shortlisted candidates only. Applicants will be penalised for canvassing. Please forward all applications to the Acting Municipal Manager, Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality, Private Bag X07, Chuenespoort 0745, or hand-delivered at Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality, 170 BA Civic Centre Unit F, Lebowakgomo 0737. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be considered. Enquiries must be directed to Ms MY Muparutsa at (015) 633-4533 or Mr CR Mphahlele at (015)833-4522. Closing date: 20 August 2019 at 12:00 Mr NS Mashamba - Acting Municipal Manager
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