FREE STATE OFFICE OF THE PREMIER Free State Provincial Government is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote representativity (race, gender and disability) in the province through the filling of these posts and candidates whose appointment/promotion/transfer will promote representativity will receive preference. APPLICATIONS : Mr. AJ Venter, Head: Corporate Administration, Office of the Premier, Attention: Ms J Kleynhans, PO Box 517, Bloemfontein, 9300, Room 406, OR Tambo House, St Andrew Street, Bloemfontein, 9301, E-mail: [email protected] CLOSING DATE : 25 February 2022 at 16:00 NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Z83 form, obtainable from any Public Service Department. All applications must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV, copies of all educational qualifications and supporting documents such as an identity document, drivers’ licence etc. Such copies need not be certified when applying for the post. The communication from the HR of the department regarding the requirements for certified document will be limited to shortlisted candidates. Applications must be submitted on or before the closing date. Faxed or e-mailed applications may be submitted, subject to subsequent verification. Applications must be submitted to the address mentioned in the advertisement. All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to personnel suitability checks. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Applicants are respectfully informed that if no notification on appointment is received within 4 months of the closing date, they must accept that their application was unsuccessful. Applications from people with disabilities are welcomed. MANAGEMENT ECHELON HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, ROADS AND TRANSPORT HOD: PR&T (5 year employment contract position) SALARY : R1 978 533 per annum, all-inclusive remuneration package, Plus a 10% non-pensionable Head of Department allowance. The remuneration package consists of the basic salary, the Government’s contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund and a flexible portion, which may be structured in terms of the rules for the structuring of the flexible portion and which may include a 13th cheque, motor car allowance, home owner’s allowance and medical aid assistance. CENTRE : Bloemfontein (Dept. of Police, Roads and Transport) REQUIREMENTS : The candidate must be in possession of an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) and a post graduate qualification (NQF level 8) as recognized by SAQA as well as 8 – 10 years of experience at a senior management level (at least 3 years of which must be with any organ of State as defined in the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996) Potential applicants for posts in the Senior Management Service as well as existing SMS members who will progress to higher levels within the SMS are expected to successfully complete the compulsory pre-entry Certificate for entry into the SMS which took effect on 1 April 2020 (Full details can be sourced by following the link: Individual applicants are expected to pay for the course and may enrol for it at a cost of R265.00. The duration of the course is 120 hours). No applicant will be appointed in the absence of the certificate. The candidate must have knowledge, skills, training and competencies in the principles of Corporate Governance; dynamic professional leadership abilities, as well as strategic, financial and people management skills; the ability to initiate and support organisational transformation and change, explore and implement new ways of delivering services that contribute to the promotion of the area of responsibility of the particular department in the province; the highest standard of ethical and moral conduct; and a thorough understanding of the issues relating to the area of responsibility of the particular department within the Free State Province and South Africa. Recommendation: A post graduate qualification in any of the areas of responsibility of the particular department and/or management will be a recommendation. DUTIES : To perform all the functions and the responsibilities attached to the post as Head of the Department in terms of the Public Service Act and the Regulations issued in terms thereof, which inter alia include the efficient management and administration of the Department, the effective utilisation and training of staff, the maintenance of discipline, the promotion of sound labour relations and the proper use and care of state property, including the rendering of efficient and effective management systems to the Department which include resource management, financial management, information management and pro-active communication systems, as well as such functions, which may be prescribed. To function as Accounting Officer of the Department in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, the Treasury Regulations, and any other law. This successful candidate will also be responsible to: Assist with the development of appropriate policies relevant to the particular department and advise the MEC in this regard; ensure the effective implementation of Government Policies in the relevant areas of responsibility of the department mentioned and the Public Service as well as Provincial and National legislation relevant to the Portfolio; provide the MEC with sufficient information and advice to enable him/her to make sound and informed decisions in terms of his/her portfolio; to develop and implement a Strategic and Annual Performance Plan of the department in support of the implementation of the priorities and objectives of the particular department; and such other responsibilities as may be directed. Although the candidate is based in Bloemfontein, the post may require extensive traveling, both domestically and internationally. ENQUIRIES : Mr. AJ Venter, Deputy Director General: Corporate Administration and Coordination: Cell: 0825538178 NOTE : These appointments are subject to the signing of an employment contract, not exceeding a term of five years, a security clearance of top secret, a competency assessment and an annual performance agreement. The successful candidate will be required to disclose his/her financial interests in accordance with the prescribed regulations. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the department. Nominated candidates must attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency based assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.
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