ELIAS MOTSWALEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY CIVIC CENTRE, 2ND GROBLER AVENUE, GROBLERSDAL, 0470 PO BOX 48, GROBLERSDAL, 0470 Tel: 013-262 3056 Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality with its seat in Groblersdal Limpopo Province subscribes to principles of employment equity and thus committed to the achievement and maintenance of equity in employment, especially with respect to race, 'gender and disability in the filling of vacancies. Suitably qualified candidates are hereby invited to apply for the vacancy hereunder. EXTERNAL / INTERNAL ADVERTISEMENT
KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: Good knowledge and understanding of relevant policy and legislation* Good understanding of institutional governance systems and performance management* Good knowledge of supply chain management regulations and the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000* Knowledge of geographical information systems* Knowledge of spatial, town and development planning* Knowledge of computer packages (MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint and MS Outlook) or computer literacy. ADDED ADVANTAGE: Project management certificate or diploma or registration as a Professional Planner in accordance with the Planning Professions Act 36 of 2002* A qualification relating to National Treasury Competencies requirements obtained from an accredited and recognized body (CPMD/MFMP) core competency in the unit standards prescribed for financial and supply chain management areas in terms of Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act Municipal Regulations on Competency Levels, will be an added advantage. KEY PERFOMANCE AREAS: Provide strategic management to Development Planning and Local Economic Development Department* Develop, review and implement land use and spatial planning prescripts* Facilitate town planning and township establishment* Attend to human settlements matters* Ensure implementation of SPLUMA and that the Municipality complies with the provisions of all statutory requirements* Co-ordinate, implement and facilitate Local Economic Development (LED)* improve productivity of agriculture, tourism and related sectors to grow local economy* Exercise departmental financial management responsibilities in a diligent manner* Direct and manage departmental human resource capital* Responsible for departmental performance management* Maintain positive relationship with traditional leaders and other stakeholders* Provide inputs to make the Department efficient and effective to ensure that the Department is compliant with the applicable laws/prescripts* Advise the accounting officer on matters relating to planning, land, economic development and take reasonable steps to ensure that all information required by the accounting officer is submitted timeously* Ensure proper and safeguarding of departmental documentation for audit and other reference purposes* Other responsibilities are contained in planning law, applicable municipal policies or provisions which may from time to time be issued by the Municipality and made binding upon you. Candidates applying for these positions must submit the fully completed and signed official "Application Form for Employment Senior Managers Post(s)" which can be downloaded from the Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality's website on www.eliasmotsoaledi.gov.za or obtainable from the HR Office and must be accompanied by their detailed curriculum vitae with proven experience and competencies, contactable references, registration with a relevant professional body, disclosing full details of any dismissal for misconduct and any disciplinary actions, whether pending or finalized instituted against such applicant from current and previous employment, recently (not older than 3 months old) certified copies of academic qualifications, identity Document (ID) as well as the Driver's license. Late, faxed, e-mailed or applications not made on the official application form shall not be considered. Canvassing Councillors or officials for the appointment is strictly prohibited and any collaborating evidence thereof will automatically disqualify the applicant. It is the responsibility of applicants in possession of foreign qualifications to submit evaluated results by the South African Qualifications Authority. Failure to submit all the required documents shall render the application invalid. Should you not hear from the Municipality within 30 working days after the closing date, regard your application as unsuccessful. The Municipality reserves the right of appointment on these posts. Enquiries shall be directed to the Acting Municipal Manager @ 013 262 3056 and applications forwarded to: The Acting Municipal Manager, Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality, P.O Box 48, Groblersdal, 0470 or hand-delivered to the Office of the Acting Municipal Manager, 2ND Grobler Avenue, Groblersdal, 0470. The closing date shall be Friday, 11th September 2020 at 16H15 Mr MM Kgwale Acting Municipal Manager
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