ELIAS MOTSOALEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY P 0 BOX 48, GROBLERSDAL, 0470 Civic Centre, 2nd Grobler Avenue, GROBLERSDAL, 0470 Tel: 013-262 3056 Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality with its seat in Groblersdal Limpopo Province subscribes to principles of employment equity and thus committed to the achievement and maintenance of equity in employment, especially with respect to race, gender and disability wherefore suitably qualified candidates are hereby invited to apply for the Vacancies hereunder. INTERNAL ADVERTISEMENT
POSITION : SUPERINTENDENT: LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT : COMMUNITY SERVICES REMUNERATION : R337 866. 50pa T11 (excluding employment benefit and allowances where applicable) DURATION : PERMANENT POST MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Traffic Diploma and registered as a Traffic Officer, I.T.0.lll or a National Diploma in Traffic Safety Management or at least 2 years' experience in a supervisory position of traffic division. Valid Code C1 Driving Licences and be computer literate, have experience in the back office system (TCSO of Traffic division. The supervision requirements associated with this post requires in depth application of the procedures, laws and by-laws applicable to the functionality. Be physically fit, able to work in all weather conditions and extended hours when required. Responsibilities: The post is accountable for all outcome associated with the section and is authorized to take decisions on operational issues within the ambit of Departmental Policy and procedures, relevant Laws and By-Laws regulating action in cases of non-compliance by the general public. Supervises the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting sequences of outcomes associated with plans and programmes designed to accomplish key service delivery objectives with respect to public safety through the coordination of operations associated with the enforcement of relevant laws By-Laws in order to ensure the risk of damage to property and/ or loss of lives is limited through prompt and efficient execution of sequences and applied. PLEASE NOTE: Applications for the posts must be submitted on an official application form obtainable from the Human Resources Offices / downloadable from www.eliasmotsoaledi.gov.za/vacancies.html. Accompanied by recently certified copies of qualifications, CV, ID Copy and Driver's License. The certified copies should not be older than 3 months. Late, faxed, e-mailed or applications not made on the official application form shall not be considered. Applicants who have not received any response within 30 days of the closing date should regard their applications as unsuccessful. The submission of applications grant the Municipality the right to conduct qualification verification, screening and/or vetting. Furnishing of dishonest information or any misrepresentation shall result in a disqualification of a candidate(s) or may lead to termination of candidate's contract of employment, if appointed. A candidate who canvasses any councilor or official for preference shall be disqualified immediately from the selection process or from appointment. It is the responsibility of the applicants in possession of the foreign qualifications to submit the evaluated results by the South African Qualifications Authority. The Municipality reserves the right to appoint or not to appoint for these positions. The applications must be addressed to: Human Resources Management, P.0 BOX 48, Groblersdal, 0470 or hand delivered at 2ND Grobler Avenue, Groblersdal, 0470, put in the marked Box for Vacancies. For further information or enquiries contact Mr Mafeefe Mafiri or Mr Moses Mahlangu of the Human Resources Management during working hours at Tel: (013) 262 3056/7/8/9. The closing date for the above-mentioned positions shall be 23 October 2020 at 16:15 (with a grace of an additional three (3) days for posted applications). M.M KGWALE ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER
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