ELIAS MOTSOALEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY PO BOX 48, GROBLERSDAL, 0470 Civic Centre, 2nd Grobler Avenue, GROBLERSDAL, 0470 Tel: 013-262 3056 Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality with its seat in Groblersdal Limpopo Province is committed to the achievement, maintenance and equity in employment, especially with respect of race, 'gender and disability in the filling of these positions wherefore suitably qualified persons are hereby invited to apply for the vacancies hereunder. INTERNAL / EXTERNAL ADVERT
POSITION : X6 FINANCE INTERNS DEPARTMENT : BUDGET AND TREASURY REMUNERATION : R100 000. 00 pa DURATION : 24 MONTHS CONTRACT Minimum Requirements: Young graduates with Bcom Degree in Accounting / Auditing or Equivalent, ability to communicate effectively, and willingness to rotate within finances sections. Responsibilities: Prepare the annual budget in conjunction with the integrated development plan and coordinate all budget inputs from management and captures in financial management system, prepare monthly and quarterly in-year reports to organ of state and Council, and comply with all legislative requirements, process expenditure claims and ensures that transactions are completed accurately in activating electronic payment and payroll and Cheque payments. PLEASE NOTE: Applications for the post must be submitted on an official application form obtainable from the Human Resources Offices / downloadable from www.eliasmotsoaledi.gov.za/vacancies.html. Accompanied by recently certified copies of qualifications, CV, ID Copy and Driver's License. The certified copies should not be older than 3 months. Late, faxed, e-mailed or applications not made on the official application form shall not be considered. Applicants who have not received any response within 30 days of the closing date should regard their applications as unsuccessful. The submission of applications grant the Municipality the right to conduct qualification verification, screening and/or vetting. Furnishing of dishonest information or any misrepresentation shall result in a disqualification of a candidate(s) or may lead to termination of candidate's contract of employment, if appointed. A candidate who canvasses any councillor or official for preference shall be disqualified immediately from the selection process or from appointment. It is the responsibility of the applicants in possession of the foreign qualifications to submit the evaluated results by the South African Qualifications Authority. People leaving with disabilities are also encourage to apply. The Municipality reserves the right to appoint or not to appoint for these positions. The applications must be addressed to: The Municipal Manager, P.0 BOX 48, Groblersdal, 0470 or hand delivered at 2nd Avenue Grobler Street, Groblersdal, 0470, put in the marked Box for Vacancies. For further information or enquiries contact Mr Mafeefe Mafiri or Mr Moses Mahlangu of the Human Resources Management during working hours at Tel: (013) 262 3056/7/8/9. The Closing Date for the applications shall be 16 April 2021 at 16H15 (with a grace of an additional three (3) days for posted applications). MM Kgwale Municipal Manager
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