AMAJUBA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Amajuba District Municipality, situated in Madadeni is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Suitably qualified candidates are invited to apply for the post as indicated below. DIRECTOR: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: REF: PLANN 001 This is a Fixed-Term Employment Contract for 5 years and the incumbent shall be expected to sign an Employment Contract, a Performance Agreement and disclosure of financial interest.
- Good knowledge and understanding of relevant Policy and Legislation - Good knowledge and understanding of Institutional Governance Systems and Performance Management - Good knowledge of Supply chain management and regulations and the preferential procurement policy frame work Act 2000 (Act no 5 of 2000) - Knowledge of geographical information system - Knowledge of spatial, town and development planning Key Responsibilities: The post operates at a strategic level to provide strategic support to all of the business functions within Amajuba District Municipality with the main areas being, • Implementation of basic service delivery as per theIDP. • Development Planning: Spatial Development Framework, IDP Land Use Management System,GIS, DIMS, IDP. • Departmental Policy Development & Sourcing of Project Funding • Local Economic Development: Local Tourism, Agriculture, Commerce and Industry, SMME support and Poverty Alleviation, ProjectManagement. • Information Technology: Network Administration, Policy development and implementation. • Manage Planning and Development Services strategy and policy development by identifying issues that affect business results and district alignment framework. • Oversee the planning, organising, co-ordinatingand control of all ICT functions of the Municipality. • Manage Planning and Development Services strategy and policy development by identifying issues that affect business results. Remuneration: Min R811, 416 -Midpoint R911,704 - Max point R1, 011,991 p.a total remuneration package for Municipal Categorisation 2 in line with Notice that the Minister published in the Government Gazette No, 42023 dated 8 November 2018 which effectively sets upper limits on the remuneration packages to be paid. Applications must be submitted on an official Amajuba District Municipality's Application Form that is downloadable onour website: and must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV, originally certified copies ofcertificates, ID, Drivers licence and covering letter. Applications not made on the official Application Form will not beconsidered. Facsimiles, emails or late applications will not be accepted. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. If you are not contacted one month after the closing date, your application would have been unsuccessful. Short-listed candidates will be subjected to security and reference checks as well as competency assessments as per Regulations. Enquiries may be directed to Human Resources at 034 329 7200. Closing date for all applications is 16 August 2019 Applications MUST be addressed to The Municipal Manager on: Physical Address: Amajuba District Municipality B9356 Amajuba Building Section1, Madadeni 2952 Postal Address: Amajuba District Municipality Private Bag X6615 Newcastle, 2940 SR Zwane Municipal Manager
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