ZF MGCAWU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY ZF Mgcawu District Municipality invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacant position within its establishment: DEPARTMENT : Office of the Municipal Manager POST : Chief Financial Officer CENTRE : ZF Mgcawu District Municipality (Upington), Northern Cape The incumbent will be subjected to signing an employment contract, performance agreement, disclosure of financial interest and competency assessment. ANNUAL TOTAL REMUNERATION PACKAGE: In terms of Government Gazette No. 43122 of 20 March 2020, i.e. Upper Limits of Total Remuneration Package Payable to Municipal Managers and Managers Directly Accountable to the Municipal Managers Minimum R 846 307– Midpoint R 950 907– Maximum R 1 040 327
Knowledge of strategic financial and performance management; operational financial management, supply chain management, audit and accountability. The constitutional requirements for local government and local government legislation, local government powers and functions, including assignment of national and provincial functions, developmental local government, performance management and reporting, sophisticated understating of global, national and regional context in which the municipality operates, sophisticated understating of the local, regional national and international political context, legislation, policy and implementation, expert knowledge in more than one functional field/discipline.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Manage and control all financial functions of the municipality, which includes, inter alia, the administration of the budget • Advising the municipal manager on the exercise of powers and duties assigned to the municipal manager in terms of the MFMA • Assisting the accounting officer in the administration of the municipality's bank account and in the preparation and implementation of the municipality's budget • Advising senior managers and other senior officials in the exercise of powers and duties assigned or delegated to them in terms of sections 78 or 79 of the MFMA. Perform duties such as budgeting, accounting, analysis, financial reporting, cash management, debt management, supply chain management, financial management as well as review other duties as may be delegated to him/her by the accounting officer in terms of section 79 of the MFMA • Develop a medium-term financial framework within which Council can operate • Provide framework for financial accountability and ensure it is applied effectively • Manage and control the auxiliary support services so that there are efficient and effective financial systems in place. Please Note: No late or faxed applications will be considered. Candidates are required to complete the prescribed “Annexure C” application form as per Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers Government Notice 21 in Government Gazette 37245 dated 17 January 2014 which is obtainable from the internet at www.gpwonline.co.za, or on the Municipal Website; www.zfm-dm.co.za (failure to do so will result in the candidate being disqualified). Short-listed candidates will be subjected to security vetting/screening, verification of qualifications, criminal records and charges for misconduct; employment history/reference check and competency assessment and should disclose financial interest. Canvassing will result in automatic disqualification. ZF Mgcawu District Municipality reserves the right to nullify or cancel an employment contract and recover all costs incurred by the municipality including remuneration, advertisement, etc., should it be discovered that the successful candidate submitted false or insufficient information which resulted to the contravention of the provisions of Municipal Council Policies, Municipal Systems Amendment Act No. 7 of 2011 or any other relevant legislation. Curriculum Vitaes will not be returned. Appointments will be made according to the Council’s Employment Equity Plan, which ensures representation of designated groups in the Municipality, including those with disabilities. If you meet the stated requirements, a detailed CV, certified copies of academic qualifications, Identity Document and Driver’s License (certified copies must not be older than 3 months) should be addressed to The Municipal Manager, ZF Mgcawu District Municipality, Private Bag X 6039, or hand delivered at C/o Dr. Nelson Mandela Driveway and Upington 26 Driveway Upington 8800 Enquiries: Municipal Manager: JG Lategan Tel. 054-3372800 during office hours (07:30 – 16:30) or email [email protected] Closing Date: 17 May 2021 at 12:00pm If no communication has been received from us within three (3) months after the closing date, please consider your application not successful. The Municipality reserves the right to appoint or not appoint any person.
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