DR PIXLEY KA ISAKA SEME LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seine Local Municipality is a grade three (03) municipality with its seat in Volksrust hereby invites applications from suitable qualified candidates who are committed, self-driven, motivated, service delivery driven and high performing professionals/practitioners for the position of: MANAGER: PMU 03 YEARS FIXED TERM CONTRACT REMUNERATION: R584 590.00 (ALL INCLUCIVE PACKAGE).
Core Functions: • Be responsible for Integrate, Coordinate, Project Management and financial administer the MIG (Municipal Infrastructure Grant) in his/her jurisdiction. Ensure project compliance with all applicable legislations, policies and conditions applicable to MIG. Project Performance and cash flow reviews. Liaise with the Provincial and the Senior MIG Manager as well as other line functions and departments through formal regular evaluation/progress meetings on and ad hoc basis. Submit monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, annual and ad hoc reports to COGTA as determined in applicable legislation or required by the MIG Management Unit and Management of the PMU and their respective inputs. Enquiries must be directed to: The Human Resources Manager, Mr I M Shabangu during office hours at 017 734 6100. A covering letter clearly stating the position applying for, comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, a valid driver's license and original certified copies of qualifications must accompany your application form. Applications should be made on the Application Form for Employment which can be obtained from the Municipality and on the municipal website: http://pixleykaseme.local.gov.za. A person who failed to complete an application form, his or her application will not be considered. Completion of the approved municipal assessment process coupled with vetting of qualifications, criminal record and previous employer checks will be conducted on all short-listed candidates. It is the applicant's responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will have to sign an employment contract. Interested and appropriately qualified people should address their applications to: The Municipal Manager Mr. L.B Tshabalala, Eft. Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Local Municipality Private Bag X9011, Volksrust, 2470 Or Municipal Offices; Cnr. Nelson Mandela Drive and Adelaide Tambo Street, Volksrust, 2470 If no reply is received within 30 days after the closing date, it must be accepted that the application was unsuccessful. The Council reserves the right not to make an appointment. Women and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. People with disabilities must state the nature of their disability in the application. NB. Applications submitted electronically or per facsimile shall be disqualified. Proof of canvassing and other unacceptable conducts will automatically disqualify an applicant. Closing Date: 24 July 2020 Mr. L.B Tshabalala Municipal Manager Notice No: 78/2020
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